Carrefour Hypermarket Guidelines


SOFTWARE: All the Majid Al Futtaim forms should be designed on MS Of fi ce Word or Excel. Ensure that the latest version of MS Of fi ce is used as some of the formatting features are not available in the previous version. Use the template provided for creating / editing a new or an existing form. LOGO USAGE: All the forms should always consist of three main brand elements, Corporate Logo, Tagline and Sub brand logo. The lock up and positioning of each element is discussed in further detail throughout this guide.

MAF Corporate Logo


All the internal forms follow UK English. We do not use US English vocabulary. Please ensure this remains consistent throughout all the forms. Some of the common examples are:

Organi s ation not Organi z ation Centrali s ation not Centrali z ation Authori s ation not Authori z ation Utili s e not Utili z e Practi s e not Practi c e


Carrefour Hypermarket Guidelines

Version 14

April 2022

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