Carrefour Hypermarket Guidelines


APPLYING THE CARREFOUR BRAND TO PARTNER-DRIVEN COMMUNICATIONS Partner-driven communications use the partner brand look and feel, but must maintain the integrity of our brand mark. Our logo should not be tarnished or negatively impacted by the creative. APPLICATIONS: • Always use the correct logo format. Our standard logo is our primary and preferred option unless size and placement dictates otherwise. • Always adhere to our logo exclusion zone. • When applied over a solid color or an image, use our white logo (primary and preferred option). Ensure that the

image area where the logo is placed is not too busy and of a consistent tone. • When applied over a white background, use the Carrefour full color logo. • Only use the black logo when the application is in grayscale.

• The brand logo can be positioned diagonally opposite from the partner’s logo, e.g. the partner logo in the top left corner, our logo in the bottom right, or in a “lock-up” with the partner logo. Always ensure the two logos are balanced in size and follow our guidelines for setting the clear space around the logo.


Carrefour Hypermarket Guidelines

Version 14

April 2022

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